
操作系统 包管理器 安装包 命令
Various Cargo just cargo install just
Microsoft Windows Scoop just scoop install just
Various Homebrew just brew install just
macOS MacPorts just port install just
Arch Linux pacman just pacman -S just
Various Nix just nix-env -iA nixpkgs.just
NixOS Nix just nix-env -iA nixos.just
Solus eopkg just eopkg install just
Void Linux XBPS just xbps-install -S just
FreeBSD pkg just pkg install just
Alpine Linux apk-tools just apk add just
Fedora Linux DNF just dnf install just
Gentoo Linux Portage guru/sys-devel/just eselect repository enable guru
emerge --sync guru
emerge sys-devel/just
Various Conda just conda install -c conda-forge just
Microsoft Windows Chocolatey just choco install just
Various Snap just snap install --edge --classic just
Various asdf just asdf plugin add just
asdf install just <version>
Debian and Ubuntu derivatives MPR just git clone 'https://mpr.makedeb.org/just'
cd just
makedeb -si
Debian and Ubuntu derivatives Prebuilt-MPR just You must have the Prebuilt-MPR set up on your system in order to run this command.
sudo apt install just

package version table