Quiet Recipes

A recipe name may be prefixed with @ to invert the meaning of @ before each line:

  echo hello
  echo goodbye
  @# all done!

Now only the lines starting with @ will be echoed:

$ just quiet
# all done!

All recipes in a Justfile can be made quiet with set quiet:

set quiet

  echo "This is quiet"

  echo "This is also quiet"

The [no-quiet] attribute overrides this setting:

set quiet

  echo "This is quiet"

  echo "This is not quiet"

Shebang recipes are quiet by default:

  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  echo 'Foo!'
$ just foo

Adding @ to a shebang recipe name makes just print the recipe before executing it:

  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  echo 'Bar!'
$ just bar
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo 'Bar!'

just normally prints error messages when a recipe line fails. These error messages can be suppressed using the [no-exit-message]1.7.0 attribute. You may find this especially useful with a recipe that wraps a tool:

git *args:
    @git {{args}}
$ just git status
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
error: Recipe `git` failed on line 2 with exit code 128

Add the attribute to suppress the exit error message when the tool exits with a non-zero code:

git *args:
    @git {{args}}
$ just git status
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git