Getting Started

just is written in Rust. Use rustup to install a Rust toolchain.

just is extensively tested. All new features must be covered by unit or integration tests. Unit tests are under src, live alongside the code being tested, and test code in isolation. Integration tests are in the tests directory and test the just binary from the outside by invoking just on a given justfile and set of command-line arguments, and checking the output.

You should write whichever type of tests are easiest to write for your feature while still providing good test coverage.

Unit tests are useful for testing new Rust functions that are used internally and as an aid for development. A good example are the unit tests which cover the unindent() function, used to unindent triple-quoted strings and backticks. unindent() has a bunch of tricky edge cases which are easy to exercise with unit tests that call unindent() directly.

Integration tests are useful for making sure that the final behavior of the just binary is correct. unindent() is also covered by integration tests which make sure that evaluating a triple-quoted string produces the correct unindented value. However, there are not integration tests for all possible cases. These are covered by faster, more concise unit tests that call unindent() directly.

Integration tests use the Test struct, a builder which allows for easily invoking just with a given justfile, arguments, and environment variables, and checking the program’s stdout, stderr, and exit code .